Simple Shift Cipher Part 1
You are going to use Excel VBA to develop code cracking tools.
VBA stands for Visual basic for applications. It is a very powerful programming language which hides behind microsoft Excel. You can use it to perform operations on strings of letters such as codes.
These are the types of tool that this webpage will seek to develop:
Alphabet Shifting |
Alphabet Shifting
This uses a Spin Button to shift a cipher alphabet relative to the plain text alphabet.
Open a new Excel workbook and type the alphabet across the first row of cells. NB Once you have typed the alphabet in click, tools, options and the custom lists tab. Then use the import from cells option to add the alphabet to your custom list profile. This will save you a lot of effort in your code breaking career. |
Now click on the Spin Button object to select it. ![]() |
Now left click on your workbook and then drag across before releasing to place a Spin Button object on the workbook. ![]() The blobs indicate that the object is in design mode. If you right click on it then you can get at its properties menu. ![]() Change the three fields shown: |
Right click on the Spin Button object to open up its property menu. ![]() |
Now exit design mode by clicking on the design mode icon again. The blobs should have disappeared from around your control. ![]() |
Now copy and paste this code, exactly, into cell A2 and press return. =CHAR(65+MOD((CODE(A1)-65+$AA$1),26)) Code returns the ASCII (computer code) for the letter in cell A1 |
If all has gone well then for a shift of 9 you should have a cipher alphabet that looks like this. ![]() | |
last updated 13th June 2011