These are simple "proof of principle" web pages which get a basic concept to work. Use the main web pages for fully functional versions of cellular automata etc.
DRAWINGHello World in HTML5. Notes. Example. Drawing a triangle. Notes. Example. |
OBJECTSCreating randomly coloured and positioned rectangles using a rectangle object. |
MOUSE CONTROLDrawing a rubber band selection rectangle without destroying the background image.. Rubber Band Selection Rectangle. |
Trouble Shooting
Most browsers have some kind of console for debugging code. In Mozilla this can be found in the tools menu and is called the 'browser console'. This will contain messages about errors in your code. It will usually give a line number and some idea as to the nature of the error.
Browsers do not implement JavaScript in exactly the same manner and so you might need to switch between browsers in order to get your code to behave properly. At present Chrome seems to be about the best behaved!