
This session aims to teach you how to construct various kinds of spiral using Logo.
If you have not had a go at the other exercises before this one then it might be worth giving them a go.

You are going to edit a routine called "spiral. Once you have programmed this routine into Logo you can then call it just like one of the normal Logo commands.

Get Logo running in the normal fashion and then call up the routine editor by entering "spiral.

edit "spiral

Now edit the code so that it reads like this.

to spiral :size
fd :size rt 60 spiral :size*0.95

Now click on the "file" menu and select "save and exit".

Now enter the command

spiral 120

:size is known as an argument of the routine spiral. By typing "spiral 120" you have started the spiral routine off with a value of 120. The turtle will spiral inwards starting with a line 120 pixels long.

If you look carefully you will notice that the turtle is still trundling around inside the spiral. This is because your program doesn't know when to stop. The line just gets shorter and shorter.

You can stop it by using the HALT button. It is a bad thing to write programs that don't stop as they will eventually lock up your computer

You can fix this by adding another line of code to your routine.

to spiral :size
fd :size rt 60
if :size > 1 [spiral :size*0.95 ]

This code uses the if function to check that :size hasn't got too small. If :size is still big enough then spiral calls itself to draw another section of the spiral. When a program calls itself this is known as recursion.

Task 1 Simple Spirals

Use your routine to make different shapes of spiral. Cut and paste a few into paint to make a poster.

At the moment you can only spiral inwards. It would be good to be able to spiral outwards, to control the angle of the spiral and how quickly the length changes.

Edit your code again by getting the editor window up.

edit "spiral

Now alter the code to look like this. Remember to "save and exit" once you have put it in.

to spiral :size :angle
fd :size rt :angle
if :size > 1 [spiral :size*0.95 :angle ]

To draw a spiral with your new program type:

spiral 100 45

This code allows you to change all three variables, size, angle and ratio.

to spiral :size :angle :ratio
fd :size rt :angle
if :size > 1 [ if :size < 200 [spiral :size*:ratio :angle :ratio] ]

So, you now need to type in 3 arguments after spiral:

spiral 120 60 0.995

You might have noticed that there is a little extra code in the latest version of spiral. This code allows you to use values of :ratio that are bigger than 1. The routine stops when :size reaches 200.
Try this set of arguments:

"save and exit" from the editor before typing:

spiral 20 45 1.005

Task 2 Inward and Outward Spirals

Have a go at making lots more spirals. Save the nicest in paint.

You can also use shapes to spiral with. Try these ideas out.

to spiral :size :angle :ratio
fd :size rt :angle
repeat 5 [ fd :size rt 360/5]
if :size > 1 [spiral :size*:ratio :angle :ratio]

The pu and pd commands lift and lower the pen to stop the turtle drawing.

Use these arguments:

spiral 120 72 0.9

Try this one out.

to spiral :size :angle :ratio
repeat 3 [ fd :size rt 120]
fd :size rt :angle
if :size > 1 [spiral :size*:ratio :angle :ratio]

Use these arguments:

spiral 120 30 0.95