Built in commands |
Creating Lists
make "a (list 2 3 4 5)

Copying Lists
make "a (list 2 3 4 5)
show :a
make "b :a
show :b

Joining Two Lists
To join two items use this:
make "a (list 2 3 4 5)
make "b (list 7 8 9 )
show :a
show :b
make "c sentence :a :b
show :c

Joining Several Lists
To join three or more lists use this
make "a (list 2 3 4 5)
make "b (list 7 8 9 )
show :a
show :b
make "c (sentence :a :b :a)
show :c

Puts an item at the front of a list
make "a (list 2 3 4 5)
make "a fput 8 :a
show :a

Puts an item at the end of a list
make "a (list 2 3 4 5)
make "a lput 8 :a
show :a

Copies an item from the front of a list leaving the list unchanged.
make "a (list 2 4 5 7)
show :a
make "b first :a
show :b
show :a

Copies all except the first item of a list leaving the list unchanged.
make "a (list 2 4 5 7)
make "b butfirst :a
show :b
show :a

To copy the last member of a list use:
make "a (list 2 3 4 5)
show last :a

To copy all but the last member of a list use:
make "a (list 2 3 4 5)
make "b butlast :a
show :b

Reverses a list:
make "a (list 2 3 5 7)
make "b reverse :a
show :b
show :a

Logic Operations |
Returns true iff the search element is a member of the list.
make "a (list 2 3 5 7)
show memberp 9 :a
show memberp 2 :a

Returns true iff the two lists contain the same items in the same order.
make "a (list 2 3 5 7)
make "b (list 7 5 3 2)
make "c (list 2 3 5 7)
show equalp :a :c
show equalp :b :c

Returns true iff the list is empty
make "a (list 2 3 5 7)
make "b []
show emptyp :a
show emptyp :b

Returns true iff the first element is less than the second.
make "a 2
make "b 5
show lessp :a :b
show lessp :b :a

Returns true iff the first element is greater than the second.
make "a 2
make "b 5
show greaterp :a :b
show greaterp :b :a

Useful Procedures
Download the logolists.lgo file
Returns the nth element of a list.
to elementn :list :element
repeat :element-1 [make "list butfirst :list]
output first :list
Repeat repeats the code in the bracket the number of times set by the value before the brackets. Output sends the value calculated by the procedure to the code which called it.
Call and test the procedure as follows:
make "a (list 2 3 4 5 7)
show elementn :a 2

Removes the item at position 'element' from the list and returns the modified list.
to removen :list :element
localmake "newlist []
repeat count :list [
ifelse :element=repcount [][
make "newlist lput (elementn :list repcount) :newlist ]]
output :newlist
Localmake ensures that operations are only carried out on a local variable. This prevents alterations to any variables outside the local procedure.
Count returns the number of items in the list.
Ifelse executes the first code block if its condition is true or the second if it is false.
Execute and test the procedure as follows:
make "a (list 2 3 4 5 7)
show :a
make "a removen :a 3
show :a

Places list2 into list1 after the nth item in list1
to put :list1 :n :list2
localmake "newlist []
repeat :n [
make "newlist lput (first :list1) :newlist
make "list1 butfirst :list1 ]
make "newlist (sentence :newlist :list2 :list1)
output :newlist
Call and test using:
make "a (list 2 3 4 5 7)
make "b (list 8 9)
make "c put :a 2 :b
show :c

Swaps element n for element m
to swap :list :n :m
make "nthelement elementn :list :n
make "mthelement elementn :list :m
ifelse (:n>:m) [ make "list removen :list :n
make "list removen :list :m] [
make "list removen :list :m
make "list removen :list :n]
ifelse (:n>:m) [ make "list put :list :n-2 :mthelement
make "list put :list :m-1 :nthelement] [
make "list put :list :m-2 :nthelement
make "list put :list :n-1 :mthelement]
output :list
Call and test using:
make "a (list 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)
show swap :a 1 9

Set Operations
Download the logolists.lgo file
Joins two lists/sets omitting repeated items.
to union :la :lb
make "c []
repeat count :la [
ifelse (memberp first :la :c) [][
make "c sentence first :la :c ]
make "la butfirst :la ]
repeat count :lb [
ifelse (memberp first :lb :c) [][
make "c sentence first :lb :c ]
make "lb butfirst :lb ]
output :c
Call and test using:
make "a (list 1 2 3 4 3 5 6)
make "b (list 5 9 9 3 8 7 11 21)
show :a
show :b
show union :a :b

Overlap of two lists/sets omitting repeated items.
to intersection :la :lb
make "c []
repeat count :la [
if (memberp first :la :lb) [
ifelse (memberp first :la :c) [][
make "c sentence first :la :c]
make "la butfirst :la ]
output :c
Call and test using:
make "a (list 1 2 3 4)
make "b (list 3 4 5 6)
show intersection :a :b

Lists non-overlapping elements of two lists/sets omitting repeated items.
to complement :la :lb
make "c []
make "la2 :la
repeat count :la [
ifelse (memberp first :la :lb) [][
ifelse (memberp first :la :c) [][
make "c sentence first :la :c]]
make "la butfirst :la ]
repeat count :lb [
ifelse (memberp first :lb :la2) [][
ifelse (memberp first :lb :c) [][
make "c sentence first :lb :c]]
make "lb butfirst :lb ]
output :c
Call and test using:
make "a (list 1 2 3 4)
make "b (list 3 4 5 5 6 7)
show complement :a :b

Last updated 27th May 2010