Getting Started with LOGO

Getting going.
Drawing lines.
Turning corners.

Installing LOGO at Home.

If you want to install Logo on your own computer at home then go to the website to download a version like the one that we use in school.

How to get going.

Type your commands into the bottom line of the commander window.
Press RETURN or click execute to get a command to run.
Try the basic commands below before going onto the Logo exercises.

Drawing a Line

The little triangle is known as the Logo Turtle. This does the drawing. You can draw a line by typing:

forward 100

into the text box at the bottom of the main window.

"forward" makes the turtle go straight ahead; in this case for 100 pixels.

Turning a Corner

Now type the following in:

forward 20 right 45 forward 30

into the text box at the bottom of the main window.

"forward" makes the turtle go straight ahead; in this case for 20 pixels.
Then the turtle turns 45 degrees to the right.
Then the turtle moves 30 pixels straight ahead.

Drawing a triangle

This program draws an equilateral triangle.
Each side is 40 units.
The Logo turtle turns 120 degrees at each corner.

repeat 3 [forward 40 right 120]

You must be letter perfect when you type this in!
Press RETURN when you have finished.

Time Saving Hints

If you click on a line that is displayed in the commander window then it will appear in the bottom line for editing.
You can save time by selecting code with the mouse and then using CONTROL c to copy and CONTROL v to paste.

You can build up a library of programs by typing the code into a text document (use Notepad) and then pasting the code into the command line.
Save your working code in your My Documents folder.
You can save your work at any time by using the file/saveas menu. To load a previously saved session you need to get Logo running and then use the file/load menu.
The command pots will show any procedures which you have created.

Last updated 29th March 2011